Bird Sh*t Podcast
Bird Sh*t Podcast
38: I come for the birds Down Under! Birds from Australia and New Zealand
We're flying the coop and pretending to be snowbirds! This month, we're chatting all about birds from Australia and New Zealand (a request from one of our listeners). Not gonna lie: we learned some AMAZING facts about these southern hemisphere birds.
So sit back, enjoy a Vegemite sandwich, and marvel at these birds from Down Under.
Plus, we give some shout-outs to some listeners who recently sent in fan mail. Thanks for the love! If you like what you hear, please leave us a review on iTunes or drop us an email. We'd love to hear from you (unless you're Norton Antivirus Software spam)!
Stellar’s Sea-Eagle
Boat-billed Heron
Hooded Warbler
Satin Bowerbird
Common Raven
Tawny Frogmouth
Superb fairy-wren
Noisy Miner
Mōhua (Yellowhead)
Morepork (Ruru)
Southern Boobook
Southern Cassowary
Night Parrot
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