Bird Sh*t Podcast
Bird Sh*t Podcast
25: Shake Yo' Grass(land bird) - Interview with Alyssa DeRubeis, Grassland Birds Biologist
Grassland bird populations are declining more than any other bird group in North America. Rather than spaz out—our normal reaction to bad bird news—we had a conversation with Alyssa DeRubeis and felt a lot better about the work being done for grassland birds. Spoiler: there’s still hope for restored habitats.
Alyssa grew up in Minnesota and started birding when she was five years old. After obtaining her Bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Ecology, she earned her Master’s degree studying nesting and non-breeding birds in remnant and restored tallgrass prairies at the University of Arkansas.
Tune in to learn a TON of cool stuff about grassland birds, their biggest threats, and what the future holds for these fragile birds. Plus, Alyssa shares tips on how to find bird nests (without disturbing birds) and shares one of the coolest birder-to-birder lifer stories we’ve ever heard.
- The bird tattoo contest at the Biggest Week in American Birding
- The Breeding Bird Survey is a vital resource for understanding what’s happening to birds in North America
- The Nature Conservancy is doing great things for grassland bird habitat protection and restoration!
- American Redstart
- Great Gray Owl
- Barn Owl
- Sedge Wren
- Dickcissel
- Northern Cardinal
- Indigo Bunting
- Eastern Meadowlark
- Black-Capped Chickadee
- Henslow’s Sparrows
- Winter Wren
- Blackburnian Warbler
- Scarlet Tanager
- Red-bellied Woodpecker
- Snowy Owl
- Snow Bunting
- Bald Eagle
- American Robin
- Barn Swallow
- Red-winged Blackbird
- Marbled Godwit
- Northern Goshawk
- Cooper’s Hawk
- Boreal Owl